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Competition Entry
Mod(x)15 is a modular housing solution designed to address New York City’s undeveloped small lots. Modx15’s design consists of 3 volumes; A Module: 16’5” x 15, B Module: 16’5 x 25’, and a fire rated circulation core. Due to the efficiency of the modular design, the A modules are approximately 240 square feet with ample natural light provided by large picturesque windows. While the area is fixed, programmatically, the interior can be utilized differently. One the ground floor the A Module serves as the building lobby, while on residential floors it may be a micro unit, bedroom or resident amenity space.

The rear B Module has an abundance of natural light while being significantly larger and flexible. At 650 square feet, it could potentially provide living and dining spaces, a two story living space, or resident amenities not limited to a roof terrace, laundry facility or gym. Modx15, provides a modern and affordable design approach that will not deter from the surrounding building typologies. Scale, materials, and façade aesthetics are consistent with tangential structures contributing to the neighborhood’s rich architectural history.

Other measures taken to ensure the building’s efficiency are an integrative approach to sustainable design elements and fixtures. Modx15 aims to achieve environmentally friendly design through water conservation, energy efficiency, ease of maintenance and selection of materials. Water conservation measures have been addressed with plumbing fixtures and the option to use non-potable water for rooftop and ground level landscape. LED Lighting, chemical-free, certified recycled materials, and locally sourced and manufactured materials will prove to provide a healthy, low maintenance building with a long life cycle. Modx15 is a big idea for New York’s many tiny lots.

Collaborator: Akima Brackeen
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All projects are owned by Studio Barnes LLC